Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Welcome Back!

The new school year has begun and with that comes the knowledge, for most of us, that the summer was not spent as productively as we had planned during those late May days.  College exploration and  application essays were hardly thought of at all as we gazed at those high summer skies.  Well, it's back to reality!!!  Unfortunately,  some medical procedures prohibit my being able to work at the computer for any great length of time.  Therefore, I too will be guilty of procrastination, as I am scheduling my first post for the school year for Wednesday, October 3.  It is entitled, 'Wishing Does NOT Make It So!",  and  it's worth a read.  Until then, I suggest you go back into the archives and review still timely suggestions in posts such as the "Welcome Back" post of 9-21-11.